This is The End!!!



We are all angels (immortal, invisible spirit beings), birthed into mortal, visible, fleshly bodies. God's angels (immortal spirit beings) are sucked into a Satanic spiritual vortex (i.e. sucked into the mouth of the serpent) under Satan's power and evil influence; and then birthed (changed) via the spiritual vortex (through the vagina). Thus, in our PERFECTION, we are torn from the INVISIBLE spirit realm (because of Lucifer), and birthed into IMPERFECTION in the VISIBLE, physical realm, as (fallen children of the Most High),,, AKA,,, HUMAN BEINGS... born into a mortal (husk or shell qliphoth) (the flesh), born in bondage, born IN SIN AND A STATE OF DUALITY, and cut off from the Creator Being, the Most High God, YHWH... and we are now under the curse of (both physical and spiritual) DEATH.

Because of the LIES and the TEMPTATION of the serpent (Lucifer the devil) and the subsequent fall from grace (of Eve, and then of Adam in the garden of Eden as a representation of ALL of us as angels in heaven); we have thus inherited the 'spiritual consequences' of that fall from grace... we have ALL inherited the stain of SIN and we have ALL incurred the (Satanic) CURSE OF DEATH; hence severing our divine spiritual link with the Most High God (YWHW) and losing the pure, angelic, pristine, sinless perfection and the IMMORTALITY that we once had).

In this wretched, fallen state: If we human beings still choose to rebel against the Most High God YHWH; and we reject His beloved Son Yahushua (Christ Jesus) as our blessed Redeemer and Saviour; (thus wilfully refusing to acknowledge what Christ Jesus did for us on the cross, as the Father's sacrificial lamb, shedding His most precious blood to take away our SINS, to destroy the power of the devil and remove the curse of DEATH that is upon us all), then those who reject Him CANNOT PARTAKE in the ALMIGHTY POWER of HIS RE-SURRECTION!! Since we are are members of the IN-surrection that occurred in heaven.

If we die to this world, and we die with Yahushua (Christ Jesus) in our lives, then the redeeming power of His blood will cover us from God's wrath. If we trust in Him; believe in Him, and simply confess ourselves sinners worthy of death and deserving of our punishment , then we can receive the promise... ((We are Born again (((turning the world upside/down)))) AND THEN WE ARE BIRTHED BACK INTO OUR SPIRITUAL STATE IN WHICH WE ARE ABLE TO SEE AND PERCEIVE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AND ARE GIVEN BACK THE LORD GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT AS A DOWN PAYMENT ON OUR ADOPTION BACK INTO ETERNAL LIFE.

However, if we die without Yahushua (Christ Jesus) in our lives, wallowing in our rebellion against God YHWH, and steeped in our SINS... we remain under the curse of death and Satan the devil remains in complete control of our (immortal) spiritual energy. Our physical body returns to the dust; and our spiritual energy / our angelic life force is transmuted (changed) and quite literally becomes 'DEMON FOOD'... being sent down into 'the bottomless pit' where we are satanically transformed into LOCUSTS.((ALL OF WHICH END UP IN ETERNAL FIRE))

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